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Dubai WVS 2023


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On 21-23 June 2023 we got to meet our new customers at the Dubai World Vape Show! With the founding of our factory in Dubai, we wanted to meet our customers face to face on a ground level and get a feel for the atmosphere! The scale of the event was massive. All the prominent vape brands were present, the newcomers were doing their best to get the spotlight and it was exciting to see the vape products of established shisha tobacco brands. It was surprising to see that similar to the shisha tobacco flavors, every brand had their own take on “Love 66”! It managed to be the most replicated flavor not only in the shisha world, but also carried its allure to the vaping world! It was nice to taste all the different “Love” flavors, but you still need a lot of work to achieve the taste of “Love 66” keep on trying ;) Besides Love 66, we got to taste all kinds of new and standard flavors, and after sampling so many different aromas, we can confidently say that unlike 90% of the Chinese produced aromas, Adalya brings something new to the table. If you consider yourself a vaping enthusiast, it would be a shame if you didn’t try out Adalya flavors, you don’t know what you’re missing out on! In the field of new technologies, there were ceramic coils and high capacity batteries that were novel and exciting. Ceramic coils claimed to increase the puff counts of the same amount of liquid while also improving the taste! We liked the ceramic coil products we got to sample, and we are excited to see where this new technology goes. High capacity batteries in disposable devices were also a successful innovation; providing the opportunity to smoke until the end without charging. All in all the event was dynamic and festive, and we are looking forward to further events!

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Dortmund Intertabac 2023

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On 21-23 June 2023 we got to meet our new customers at the Dubai World Vape Show!

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Adalya: Now made in U.A.E.

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Craving some icy “Love”? Missing the sweet taste of “Mi Amor”?Your favorite Adalya products are now made in Dubai!

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Dubai WVS 2023

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On 21-23 June 2023 we got to meet our new customers at the Dubai World Vape Show!

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Your Favorite Adalya Flavors in a Bottle

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A Now you can get the e-liquids for all your favorite Adalya flavors!

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Spain Vape Launch

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We are happy to announce that Adalya vapes are now in Spain!

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design by EKO Studio & code by PR Yazılım