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©2023 ADALYA

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Spain Vape Launch


We are happy to announce that Adalya vapes are now in Spain! And it was a magnificent launch at that! Our collaborators and business partners in Spain organized an amazing event for the unveiling of our new products. The launch party event was thrown in our distributors headquarters in Sevilla, Spain. There, we got to attend the vape tasting where we had the chance to hear the -overwhelmingly positive!- feedback on our vapes, talk and discuss with the distributors and meet some local influencers who were all excited for our new products! There were also “golden ticket” winners: Adalya fans who got to attend the event through a raffle. It was amazing to be able to meet our dedicated fans chat with them and hear their opinions on both our vapes and tobacco products. Now you can reach our vapes in Spain too, we are starting with some of our most popular flavors, Love 66, Ladykiller, Mi Amor, Dulcinea, Hawaii, and Watermelon Ice; but don’t worry, there is more to come!

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Dortmund Intertabac 2023

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On 21-23 June 2023 we got to meet our new customers at the Dubai World Vape Show!

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Adalya: Now made in U.A.E.

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Craving some icy “Love”? Missing the sweet taste of “Mi Amor”?Your favorite Adalya products are now made in Dubai!

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Dubai WVS 2023

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On 21-23 June 2023 we got to meet our new customers at the Dubai World Vape Show!

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E-Liquid Blog

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A Now you can get the e-liquids for all your favorite Adalya flavors!

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Spain Vape Launch

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We are happy to announce that Adalya vapes are now in Spain!

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design by EKO Studio & code by PR Yazılım

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design by EKO Studio & code by PR Yazılım