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Your Favorite Adalya Flavors in a Bottle


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Now you can get the e-liquids for all your favorite Adalya flavors! All our 25 flavors are available in 10ml bottles for your enjoyment! Same as our vape devices, our bottled liquid aromas are also produced in Germany. For the more experienced vapers, we also have our own Nicotine Salt so that you can adjust your nicotine level and get the ideal vaping experience you desire, set your limits yourself! You can be a grandmaster yourself: Try and mix the Adalya flavors to create your own original aromas! For the best vaping experience, be sure to shake the liquid bottle before filling in your device!

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Dortmund Intertabac 2023

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On 21-23 June 2023 we got to meet our new customers at the Dubai World Vape Show!

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Adalya: Now made in U.A.E.

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Craving some icy “Love”? Missing the sweet taste of “Mi Amor”?Your favorite Adalya products are now made in Dubai!

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Dubai WVS 2023

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On 21-23 June 2023 we got to meet our new customers at the Dubai World Vape Show!

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Your Favorite Adalya Flavors in a Bottle

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A Now you can get the e-liquids for all your favorite Adalya flavors!

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Spain Vape Launch

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We are happy to announce that Adalya vapes are now in Spain!

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©2023 ADALYA

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design by EKO Studio & code by PR Yazılım

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design by EKO Studio & code by PR Yazılım